Wednesday 24 June 2015

For the Health of it: Part 1 "About Healthy Living"

Healthy living is more than just dieting and meaningless exercise; it’s a way of life. It goes beyond what you see in the mirror, it’s about how you feel. Shouldn’t that be what it’s all about anyway? Once we shun that nagging voice in the back of our head telling us to look and be like someone else, we can all live life to its full potential.

Words like “skinny” and “fat” are used to describe someone’s health all the time. Instead, we should be idolizing the word healthy. Not everyone who is considered “skinny” is healthy, nor is everyone who is considered “fat” unhealthy. In addition, these words can be hurtful and you don't know where someone may be in their heath journey. Keep a positive attitude about yourself and to others to boost moral. 

So, you might be asking yourself, where do I start? For someone who has always been living his or her lives wishing to be like someone, this is going to be hard. Once you start, you’ll wonder why you haven’t done this a long time ago.

Add cinnamon to apples for a sweet twist
Let’s start out with what you eat. Even though sweet and salty snack foods are delicious and can be a fun addition to a meal, it’s never a bad idea to cut down when you’re eating too much. Same can be said about all these extreme diets, diet pills, and other quick-fix, get skinny fast methods. These diets can be dangerous and don’t create long lasting results. The goal is to be healthy,  not skinny. Have fun with what you eat- love what you eat. Trust me, if you love what you eat, it’ll be easier to not fall back into old habits.

Staying organized can boost productivity
Next, take a look around your house. Chances are there are things you just sort of keep around for reasons you don't even understand. Clutter can be distracting and even cause anxiety. Furthermore, some items you may have in the house can be bad for your physical health if you don't replace them, or just get rid of them all-together. Some quick examples are replacing kitchen sponges to washcloths, replacing air filters regularly, and donating old clothes that are collecting in your closet. A good spring cleaning goes beyond a tidy house; it can be liberating for your body and mind too. 

Exercise. This word can be very scary for some people; let’s change that. I don’t use that word anymore; instead, I say, “I’m going to go have some fun”. A few years ago, I picked up skim boarding, and it’s a blast! Oh yeah, and it also burns on average 395 calories an hour. Zumba, walking the dog, heck, even zip lining is a fun way to get active. 

The perfect cannon ball position is great for your abs!

Lastly, mental health is a factor on healthy living. This is often over shadowed, but can arguably be just as important or most important out of all three. Mental health can affect your ability to make healthy decisions, let alone your every day life. This should be your number one priority of healthy living.

In the next few weeks, I will dive deep into each one of these topics to give you an in depth understanding on how to make a healthier you! And remember, you are beautiful.

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