Friday 24 July 2015

For The Health Of It: Part 3 "Staying Organized"

Being organized can be fundamental to your life. Not only does it keep the house clean and tidy, but also it keeps your head clear and focused. Staying organized isn’t easy for everybody though, but that doesn’t mean you can’t obtain a more orderly lifestyle. Here are some easy habits and methods for you to follow to organize your life. 

Take Care of Things Right Away
There is nothing worse than having something you need to take care of weighing on your shoulders. This could either refer to physical items or tasks. Even though this idea may seem simple, it is easier said than done. The best way to take care of things right away is to just do it. You’ll feel much better once it’s completed!

Make a To-Do List
There are two kinds of “to-do” lists. One is a daily, and another is a long-term list. By breaking things up into categories, you’ll be able to prioritize and complete more tasks. Start with smaller things that won’t take much time or effort and then work your way up to larger tasks.

Out With the Old…
Letting go can be hard, but when you’re still holding onto your Britney and J-T inspired matching denim suite and dress, chances are they are better off not taking up space in your closet. Regardless of the size, homes should be a place of zen, and when it’s packed to the brim, it’s hard to unwind. Do yourself a favor and go through your things and start weeding out the old. Try tackling little portions of the house at a time to make it less of a hurdle.

Set a Deadline
Deadlines aren’t just for work, they can be used for any chore from as little as taking out the trash, or as large as renovating the basement. When you set a deadline for a bigger project, remember to not procrastinate with the smaller steps leading up to the end goal. Within each project, try to map out all the little responsibilities along the way. With this method, you won't be surprised when the deadline sneaks up on you when you haven’t even started.

Reward Yourself
When you complete something, go ahead and celebrate! Even if you just cleaned the house, go ahead and have that glass of wine, or whatever your guilty pleasure may be. By rewarding yourself, it gives you some incentive to complete whatever it is that you don’t want to do. 

Now these are just small steps to your journey to live happy and healthy. If you apply these tips to your every day life, you can achieve a more productive day and a much more organized life!

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